by Beth Feudale - Certified Massage Therapist
You all know the amazing benefits
therapeutic massage has on the body and the euphoria you feel at the end of a
beautiful treatment. There really is no better way that I can think of to
relieve stress while feeding the body and soul at the same time. What if I told
you that you could still achieve the same level of relaxation and rejuvenation
without even removing your clothes?
that I have your attention I will let you in on the secret. This wonder is
called CranioSacral Therapy. I know you are probably thinking “Cranio sacral
what? Do I even have one of those,” and the answer is yes! CranioSacral Therapy
or CST is a beautiful gentle approach in body work that is performed completely
over your clothing. Like massage, CST boosts the immune system and enhances the
body’s natural healing processes but its main focus is on the overall
well-being and functioning of the physiological body system. This system is comprised of the membranes and cerebrospinal fluid that
surround and protect the brain and spinal cord.
For this treatment the therapist uses no more than a nickels
weight of pressure in a series of hand placements to facilitate the release of
any restrictions within the body. Through the process the overall functioning
of the central nervous system is being drastically improved while you are being
transported into a completely relaxed alternate world. As a long-time
practitioner I have seen the benefits of CST and I always recommend this
treatment to those who suffer from chronic pain and illnesses.
So whether you are looking to try
something new, treat chronic pain or maybe you just want to relax without
taking your clothes off, CST would be a treasure of an addition to your
bodywork routine.